Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ready for movie night!

Movie night at the daycare prompted this idea while Gavin and I were hanging out at home, on my day off work, and it was POURING outside. Staying inside all day gets us both a little stir crazy. Him much more than me...but him crazy, in turn, makes me crazy.

So off to the store we went. We needed to buy cake mix, frosting, and some scrapbook paper. Everything else, we had on hand.

I've learned that if I measure the ingredients and put them in a toddler safe container, he can pour them in the bowl for me. He is happy and helping! I learned this right after snapping this picture as he went to shake the glass to make sure all the water was dumped out and hit it on the side of the glass bowl. Yah, glass bowl and glass pourer by a toddler...not the wisest decision I ever made. Luckily, there was no disaster.

He picked out his own mixing utensil. I won't take credit for this doozy of an idea.

I couldn't NOT let him lick the spoon now could I??!

Cupcakes are baked and cooling.

Now to make them themed cupcakes. First I cut two pieces of scrapbook paper into strips. Then glued them to form a ring that would fit around the cupcakes.

I also cut some name tag stickers into more of an oval shape and labeled them!

Some marshmallows that have been in my cupboard since Easter have FINALLY come to use again!! Yippee! I checked them first, they were good. I had them sealed nicely.

Gavin wasn't much interested in helping anymore. He popped a couple in his mouth, but otherwise, just ran around playing in the living room.

Oh, and to give the marshmallows more of a "popcorn" look I simply tore them in half and then, for lack of a better word, smooshed them back together. Sounds dumb, I know, but it worked.

Hello, Cupcakes!

Here are two other cupcake ideas that I came across that I felt were worth sharing.

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