Thursday, August 11, 2011

10th Annual Quarry Party!

Wow!! What a good time we had as always. Being the tenth year of the event, many of us reminisced on how much the party has changed....evolved you might say. The first year was just nuts. I don't have pictures (if I did, they've long been lost...probably a good thing) but I'm willing to bet there were 30+ tents that weekend. And that is only those that stayed the night. Many came and went. It was almost like an open-to-the-public people filled quarry. It was a blast. Swimming all day, popping tops as desired, cliff diving, volleyball, outdoor games, drinking games, bonfires, was another lifetime ago. The subsequent years were also good times. The same group has never failed to appear. We partied through rainstorms, and I mean, torrential downpours and we've camped through extreme heat, noise, and raucous.

And every year changes a little bit. Even more so the last few years as most of us have added additions to our families! Where once we stayed out near the tents, drinking and playing games, we now stay up in the wading pool, hanging out on rafts, (still enjoying a drink or two), taking pictures, feeding and catching fish, etc.

This year we even had an outdoor theater! Where once we played volleyball, diving and spiking, were *mounted* by dogs, bitten by sand fleas (or whatever bugs were jumping around) we now have miniature camp chairs set up in front of a sheet with a projector. Thank you West family! Please bring it back next year!

There was also promise of a pony this year. Seriously. The quarry party went from kegs and beer pong, to outdoor theaters and pony rides. Sadly, due to the heat, the pony was left at home. Another day pony...another day. Just goes to show that you never know what to expect, besides much earlier bedtimes for all, each year.

First thing you do when you arrive is take a gigantic relaxing breath and stare over the water and tell yourself...This is going to a great weekend.
 Then you suffer through the construction of tent building in the scorching heat.
And if you are a member of the Compston family, you have the mansion tent, complete with above dirt bedding, lights and even security. (kidding on the security)

Then, you most definitely need to jump in the water to cool off.
But not before slathering on TONS of sunscreen.
Pool time!
I wasn't a fan of these giant tubes in the kiddie pool. Hercules Gavin thought he could lift them and was trapped under them on two occasions. I took them out of the pool for a while.

We've been outnumbered by the next generation for sure! Next year I may make a sign:
"Unattended children will be given an espresso and a free puppy."
I'm so kidding. 
My little darling was no exception to the disappearing act. (I woke up at 5:30AM to an empty tent wide open.)  He felt the need to jump on the trampoline before dawn. Scary. We all keep our eyes on all the kids all the time. (when awake)
Catching up with friends you haven't seen since last July...or maybe two to eight years ago. But it's like no time has passed.
 Taking the kids out for a boat ride.
Getting brave and jumping off the high diving board.
Scoping out the quarry water and looking for fish.
Some jump off the REALLY big cliff dive.
I did not do any such thing! *shiver*
We learned to play a little game we decided to name frisbee stick. It was actually lots of fun. The girls conquered the boys in the dark. The rematch the next day didn't go quite as well.
We picked flowers.
And ran around.
Pushing a gigundous stump on the bonfire that is thought to burn for a week, but actually turned into a hollow furnace and lasted only the first night.
Waving to the rafters!
Konking out for a midday nap.
Waking up revived and full of energy to do it all again!
Playing in the burning sand.
Ending each night with the kids around a movie, and the adults, ten feet away around the bonfire.
Good times, indeed!

Looking forward to year 11 :)

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