Monday, August 8, 2011

Wood County Fair

This past Thursday we made it to the Wood County Fair. I really don't have much to say about it. It's a county fair. There were lots of livestock, rides, games and fried food. You know, your typical county fair stuff.

When we arrived we headed straight past all the games and food to check out the animals.

Lucky for me, Gavin wasn't interested in watching the puppies. (that were for sale!)
Our two dogs are PLENTY!
We were able to watch a baby chick hatch.

Lemonade shake-ups are a must! Gavin picked out the jumbo size.
One ticket for an over-priced two-minute pony ride.
No picture.
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's.....
The Tin Man!
Definitely plotting something.
As long as they stick together--plot away kids.
Stopping to sit (and jump) and eat some fried gooey cheese deliciousness and watch some dancing.
A noble attempt to win a real live fish.
But we had better luck fishing.
Play til you win games are my new favorite. Whatever the game. Gavin won a HUGE blue ball. He loves it still. I should have gotten two. (one as back-up when the first will eventually pop) He jumps on it, over it, rolls over it, throws it, kicks it, etc...
He was excited to ride the carousal....but not on a horse.
Racing to the next ride!
That he rode for the first time ever without an adult!

Good times!

And to sum up the fair experience, I leave you with this...

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