Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

Wrong! It's not the crazy sponge guy with square's Tumblin' Monkeys!
(Please tell me you see what I'm seeing, though. We have yet to even watch Sponge Bob, and I'm OK with that)

Every time Tim leaves for the road, it takes a day or two to adjust. More so now, than the beginning of last year. Gavin understands very well that Daddy has gone to work, and won't be back for quite some time. He doesn't count over 30 yet, so it's difficult to count down days until we are at the last week. Even then, it's no guarantee that he will be home when the countdown is over. Oh, how I wish a local opportunity arises quick! Applications are being sent often with fingers and toes crossed!!

Anyway, Daddy left Tuesday morning and although Gavin is doing well, he just isn't his bubbly self. Mommy can tell he is just a sad boy. So against better judgement being his birthday is next month, we went to the store to pick out a new game. Meijer is having having an incredible clearance sale on toys, so the game cost me less than I would spend on lunch. (I'm packing peanut butter and jelly tomorrow for myself and this game was well worth the trade!) Oh, and Gavin also showed me ALL the toys he wants for his birthday while there.

Gavin can't get enough of this game! He helps me set it up by putting the colorful sticks into the slots which promotes fine motor skills.
It teaches and reinforces turn taking, (most of the time), the colored dice makes it easy to know which stick to pull, we count monkeys that fall,

and name colors on the dice after rolling and finding a matching stick. (Although there are only three colors).
It also gives us some mommy and me time :)

Great game!
One tip for you once you put it together, it doesn't go back in the box, and it is tall. So I put all the sticks and monkeys in a baggy and it fits perfectly down the center of the palm tree. Even better than it costing less than a five dollar footlong? It doesn't require any batteries or have any electronic gadgets to do the job. Again, it's a great game! The object is to collect the least number of monkeys when removing sticks....but how this is possible when it's just so much fun to make the monkeys fall down...I don't know.

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