Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Rowin' Owens

Saturday, July 23rd, marked the 10th annual Dragon Boat Festival brought to us by Partners in Education of Toledo. This year, I joined a team! I had heard of them, seen pictures, but honestly, had no idea what I was signing myself up for. Nor did I realize that it was going to be the hottest week, I'm talking record breaking heat, this week. But you know what? I had a blast! I'm looking forward to next year and have even recruited a few paddlers.
 Dragon boats carry twenty paddlers, a drummer and a steersman. I believe our team came from all walks of life. But check out our first race below....looks like we are winning!! From different backgrounds, we rowed together and came in 2nd our first race. We are boat #2. This picture was also featured in The Blade. I'm in the 7th row of the boat. Can you see me? No? Me either. But I'm there. I promise.
Waving to Gavin as we loaded the boat!
He was Dad's right hand man taking pictures.
Heading out.
Paddling out to the the starting line.
 Getting lined up.
Race time!
 "Hold the boat!"
This means we get the boat to STOP.
Now it's time to bring it in.

We're Back!
I'm back, Gavin!
That was a BLAST! 

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