Monday, August 29, 2011

Weather Buddy

After weather like this:

And Gavin dressing himself like this:

I remembered I purchased this a very long time ago after reading about it on my beautiful and clever cousin's blog...that she has unfortunately abandoned.

My Little Weather Buddy

It has a temperature sensitive thermometer but rather than degrees, it says warm or chilly or very cold. Each description has a corresponding attire for Buddy. Do I need to wear a coat today? A hat and mittens? What does Little Buddy say?

 Now he can wake up each morning, look out his window, and *see* what he needs to pick out for the day. Because he doesn't think Mommy knows what she's talkin' about. It's pretty great. Now if only he could change his own diaper, (better yet, get potty trained), we would have some incredibly smoother early mornings.

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