Wednesday, June 20, 2012

From Mom

Dear G,

Trivial as this may seem, in my eyes, it was pretty monumental. Tonight you went potty, as you often do. However, this particular time, you didn't seek my accompaniment. Afterwards, you proudly let me know that you "went number 2" AND flushed the toilet. Only because I had just thrown laundry in, did I bother to march you back in to "check your behind." I figured I could run and toss anything that might be dirty in the load. Now, I would stop at being impressed that you successfully wiped yourself....but you changed the toilet paper roll!! I noticed that it was a brand new roll so I asked you about it. You said, "Mommy, the other roll was empty so I got in the cupboard and put a new one on. That way, when you go potty, you have toilet paper too."

Oh Gavin, thanks for looking out for your old lady.  I'm so wonderfully proud of you!



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