Sunday, June 24, 2012


For Flag day, I thought we would do something simple. Paint a flag to hang in the window.
I cut some strips of contact paper and placed them on a piece of white poster-board.

Then gave him the go ahead with red paint.
We started with just little bit of red paint on a paper plate and a sponge brush.
It was going okay.
Then he needed more paint.
And more...
Hmmmm, I think I need more red paint.
He used the entire bottle. It was brand new.
Then I cut out a blue rectangle and punched out some stars using a leftover sheet of sticker paper.

After the paint was dry, I pulled the contact paper strips off, glued on the blue sheet and we have ourselves a little U.S.A pride to hang in our window.

Happy Flag Day.
I think we'll leave it up through the 4th for July.

Along with our coffee can windsock.
Yah, we have spirit :)

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