Saturday, June 30, 2012

Finally made it back to the zoo!

We used to go to the zoo all the time. I mean, couple times a week. 
Then life took a side road.

But today, we made it back! And it was fun :)

First time not taking the stroller. Yes, little man is going to WALK the whole time.
This isn't an option. It's hot. He's 45 pounds now. 
 First things first....checking out the ducks.
 Then the favorite. Penguins!! They were feeding them when we walked up!
My picture ability lacked today. I kept it in my bag too long.
He was ready to move on before I got it out.
And sometimes....he's the boss.
 I wanted to check out the new Tembo Trail!
I said I did. He wanted to find the bird house.
Excitement here is truth to facial expression.
 Although he did like seeing the Hippo.
 And the Otters.
 You can see the elephants so close now!!
 There is no zooming of camera here!
 He liked it. Even if he won't say so.
 We call this one the tick-tock croc.
If you didn't watch long enough, I swear you'd think it was fake.
 The croc finally moved...a little. 
Slight movement of neck and left foot let us know he wasn't fake.
 "Mommy, frogs are supposed to be GREEN! This guy is yellow!"
 Where are the dinosaurs??
While looking at the elephants, we made up stories that some of the big footprints were dinosaurs. And that the dinosaurs come play with the elephants, but they hide from people. Because people are scared of the dinosaurs.I love his imagination and story telling!!
 While looking for the bird house, he took off on me and almost got in some big trouble.
But "I only wanted to show you these guys, Mommy."

Rare occasion to see the cheetahs together. 
Sooo, you're forgiven if you listen the rest of the day.
 Always have time to play with the face masks.
 There is also, always time to make a wish and throw in a penny.
I WISH I knew what he wished for.
 But I've told him that you can't tell your wishes or they might not come true.
 Lastly, we made our way to the train. We only spent two hours at the zoo because Mommy had to go to work later. He was very excited for it, but as you can see, the heat exhausted him and he spent the entire ride laying in my lap. 

Fun morning, kiddo. 
I'm so glad I got  to spend time with you :)

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