Friday, June 15, 2012


This post has no rhyme or reason to it. It's just full of amazing pictures.
My girlfriend, Jodi, bought a camera shortly before her daughter was born to capture her own memorable moments. She has a knack for it. An eye for art. Her pictures tell a story. I LOVE them. This wasn't a photo shoot in the usual sense. Gavin and I walked around and she sprinted around just snapping pics. No posing. These are moments. It's a gift she can capture these.
Teddy is watching closely.
Bubble bursting on his head :)
One of my absolute favorites!
Bubbles and balloons can wear you out.
Another favorite. Gavin and Teddy.
He wanted to let them go.
Aftermath....well, it pretty much ended the day. 
It's tough for a tot to realize when you let go, that they won't come back :(
"Mommy, we must take these pine cones and leaves home."
They are special.
Please check out my friends website if you're in the wood county area. She's exceptionally talented.
Thank you, Jodi. I look forward to another shoot in the future.

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