Friday, June 1, 2012

Watchin' them grow

I ordered the caterpillars from Insect Lore to go with the Butterfly Habitat that Gavin received for Easter.

They arrived in the mail and I honestly thought they were dead. 
After a little while, they started moving around. Insect Lore guarantees that 3 of the 5 will survive and turn into butterflies. I don't even see five in there. But I do see four. Three of which are wiggling around. Gavin is mesmerized. Keeping little hands off  might prove challenging. They are currently located in our bay window area where they won't be disturbed by dogs knocking into tables and are out of direct sunlight, yet close enough that Gavin can keep a twinkled eye on them.
 Eating their food and moving to the top to hang upside down.
Soon, they will form beautiful iridescent chrysalids!

This stage takes 7-10 days. 
Stay tuned.

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