Monday, October 1, 2012

From Mom, on your birthday

Dear G,

This past weekend, we celebrated your fourth birthday. FOUR. I asked you this morning if you felt older, and you looked at me, gave me a big smile, and said "Momma, I'm going to be big as you soon."

"You ARE growing up quick. You're getting so BIG! But you'll always be my baby, right?"

I quick emphatic nod let me know I still have some time. Thanks.

It has been much fun watching you grow more and more into your personality this year. You are brazen, precocious, speak your mind, and usually, a true joy to be around. Hey, we have moments. You are typically very happy, and when I say you can't do something or tell you no, you always have some sort of negotiation in your head. win. You always go for the gusto. Kid, you amaze me sometimes. You're pretty dog gone smart.

You are creative, like me, and that might be my favorite thing about you. We color, we sing, we dance...those moments are precious to me. I want you to know that dancing will almost always make you feel better. It's not just for girls. So feel free to spin around for happiness when you are feeling down. I will be happy to hold your hands and spin with you. Never forget how to let go and have a good spin.

While you're becoming more and more independent, I want you to know that one of my favorite things is holding your hand.

I also want you to know that 3 was a little tough on Mommy. Sometimes I am right, you know. You will not die if mulch gets in your shoe at the park. If the tag on your blanket is not on the right side of your body at bedtime, it's okay. It will still keep you warm. And hey, if you ask without crying hysterically, I'll probably help you align it just the way you want. Little things can throw you off balance (been a lot of changes, I know) so I am hoping 4 is easier on your nerves. Most things are not such a big deal. It's a really good lesson. My wish is to show you that.

You're doing excellent with picking up lately. I'm happy. When I ask you to do a chore or put something away, you always respond with "sure," and go off and do it right away. I love that. And will take it for however long it lasts. Even if it's just until tomorrow. Sometimes I am truly amazed you've only just turned 4 years old. You have wisdom beyond your years. Every single day I am blown away by you. By your brains, your affection, your confidence, your strong will, your happiness, your free spirit and your ability to love. Your tantrums do not blow me away, however. But they happen. You are amazing and I am so lucky to be the one you call mom.

Always remember how powerful love is.

I love you,


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