Saturday, October 6, 2012

Firetruck Party

We celebrated Gavin's birthday ON his actual birthday this year. Sunday, September 30th, friends and family came together to make this day very special. There's been a lot going on in our lives lately, and I've been working quite a bit. So throwing together a birthday party with decorations like last year wasn't feasible. Momma has to sleep occasionally. But you know what? I think this year topped last. And it was all thrown together in a day or two. 

It started when one morning we arrived at school and the Perrysburg Fire Department was doing demonstrations for the kids. Gavin was ecstatic. He didn't even say goodbye to bear in the car as usual. He sprinted to get inside. Loving firetrucks is not a new thing. You can read more occasions  here, here, here, and here. Goodness, there are more as well.

I sent out a quick email to the cake lady and asked if a firetruck was possible. In less than two weeks. 
"Absolutely", she replied. 

I then had to think of some activity or favors.
Oriental trading company didn't disappoint.

Originally, I was going to have the kids decorate their own bags as an activity, but after my fireman friend called to say we could come to the station...oh be still my heart, this party just took a turn for amazing. Gavin is going to FLIP! And the party venue changed from my house to the Bowling Green City Park.

Let's get this party started!!

Hi, I'm Mom, and I couldn't have pulled this off alone.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, to everyone who came and assisted.
(Mom, Dad, Aunt Jeanna, Uncle Steve, Aunt Jan, Uncle Mike, Uncle Matt, Aunt Gabby, and friends Annessa, Jason, Pressly, Sarah, Chase, Brynn, Andrea, Justin, Kyle, and of course, we couldn't have had a successful firetruck party, without fireman Jake)
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for attending Gavin's special day.
The party favors.
Food was kept simple since we were at the park. Snack type things along with some oriental coleslaw and a few buckets of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
The kids played on the playground for the most part and didn't eat much.
I was not surprised.

After getting the kids to eat a few measely bites I asked Gavin what he wanted to do next: cake or pinata?

But where do you hang a pinata at a park? I hadn't really thought of that beforehand.
He's kinda handy.
Ready to start swinging?
This is how you do it, kiddos.

First up, the birthday boy.
He swung and almost missed. Apparently, he takes after his Momma in the athletic ability.
His hat flew off, but he kept swinging. That a boy. Don't you dare ever give up :)

Okay, let's let everyone else have a turn.
Little stink bug had to demonstrate to each friend how to swing at the pinata, alas, taking more turns.
Did I mention he's a genius?

Hit it girlfriend!
You too, little miss.

C'mon Chase, put some muscle in it.

Whoa! Easy there, killer!
(aren't their bags cute!)

One more swing for the birthday boy.
Eventually, the pinata fell, but didn't break.
So I ripped it open and dumped it over their heads. There was enough candy for triple the number of children in attendance. You're welcome, friends :)
There were also stickers, gadgets and gizmos to be collected.
It was fun to watch them pick which goodies they desired.
Rolling right along, it's time for cake.
Another excellent cake from Creative Cake Confections.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear Gavin. Happy Birthday to you.
May your wish come true, darling.
Uncle Matt declined the opportunity to be cake cutter this year.
No worries, I can do this.
I'm so so lucky to have these ladies in my life. Been friends over a decade. While we all have different directions sometimes, our friendship is forever. And our kids are close in age! It's fantastic.

Moving on to presents.
 This child wants for nothing. I should have put presents not necessary in the memo. 
But what would a birthday party be for a 4 year old without opening something.
Let's get all the goodies packed up...we have a short drive to make.

To the firehouse!!
And there are rules. This is a working emergency building, you know.
Everyone sit in the grass and listen please.
I think they did great.
The sirens were not blaring. But they were obviously anticipating them.
Wave hello, little friends!
Rules were simple enough. If you hear an alarm of any kind, get in the grass and sit. Please don't push any buttons or levers in the truck and don't stand on the seats.
Cool, dude!
Up in the truck with your best buds!
I think he's happy.
It gets better...

Thanks, fireman Jake and Gabby for demonstrating how the hose works!
Eeeeek, the kids get to spray water!
So fun.
Everyone was able to get 2 turns.
Hey look, you can change the way the hose sprays.
A birthday to remember, for sure.

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