Tuesday, October 30, 2012


I have been slacking on this here blog...BIG time. I mean, three posts in a month....really?
Get back on it, Megan.

We went to McQueens a few weekends ago and I completely forgot to post anything about it.
In my defense...there has been a lot going on.

So here's the pictures I do have from our outing.

Before the apple picking we stopped at Flower Hospital to walk for ALS.
We ended up only doing one lap around the campus because Gavin would periodically every five feet, stop to look at flowers, rocks, nuts, twigs...etc. And pick them up. At one point causing a very large man to fall on his face tripping over him. Sorry, mister! Glad you were okay.

Gavin: You simply cannot stop in the middle of the path when there are hundreds of people following. You just can't do that.
Moving right along to apple time!
We went for the Red Delicious, as always. Everyone else did as well. We had to walk forever to find some trees with apples on them. Majority were picked clean!

Grandma and Grandpa joined and we split a half bushel.

"Hey guys, I'll carry the apples!"


That's okay!
Mommy and Grandpa will carry them teamwork style.
They were actually very heavy.

 I suppose it's unfair to make Gavin wear his hat, when I myself, had removed mine. But I was getting hot.
It's was pretty chill out, so if little man had intentions of playing up front...he was going to wear it.

 I win. He wore it.
So, bring on the bounce houses, pony ride and animal feeding.
The boy loves riding ponies and horses.

Fitting for the event, no?

Patiently waiting his turn with his ticket.

This year, he didn't launch his cone over the rail and actually let the animals eat from him.
Getting braver in his old age.

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