Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First Haircut

At long last I have given in to the first haircut. Guess what? It wasn't so bad!! He still has curls!! Yay!
The haircut itself lasted approx five minutes. Cathy was amazing! Hopefully she doesn't retire too soon because we like her and hope Gavin returns to Village Squire for a few more cuts in the future.  I must admit that I was sad on the way there....I imagined the curls disappearing, a tantrum beyond belief, screaming, tears, what have you. I packed a snack pack of pretzels, fruit loops and a sippy cup and of course, one of his "silkies" for the extravaganza. He needed none of them. Cathy had pretzel rods available...Gavin's favorite, and then tis the season..frosted Easter cookies! With sprinkles!! What tot wouldn't take time-out from crying to indulge in a sweet treat :) Needless to say, the haircut was successful minus a few alligator tears there in the beginning. I feel that it was just him being in an unfamiliar place that startled him. Other than being up on the chair, he was happy as a squirrel! The best part for me...he still has curls!! There isn't much to say about a first haircut because it's simply that...the cutting of hair. Gavin survived, as did I.
p.s. He didn't really cry that much. I'm back in action with my picture taking and snapped a shot every thirty seconds! Grandpa took just as many as he is the master photographer!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

18 Months!!

Gavin is 18 months old today!! Where does the time go?! Some days feel as if they will never end...then before you know it, another month has disappeared. It is one crazy magic act. This week Gavin moved up to his new room at daycare. He is officially a toddler!! However, I think he began this stage long ago.

I have been fortunate to have spent some extra time with him over the last two months. I think I would have missed him grow up a bunch had I not. He is growing by leaps and bounds. It seems as if it were just yesterday he was wiggling across the floor...and now he is RUNNING! He has also become more affectionate lately. Here is a BIG hug for you! :)
Believe it or not, I have become awful at the picture taking the last two weeks. I blame it on adjusting to the new hours, routines, and training for my new job. Give us another week and I'm sure we will be back on track with hundreds a week! We have established a good routine at night. After dinner, we have a bath, books and then bed. He more often than not, will pick up his blankie, sit in my lap and say "night night" by 8 o'clock. The earlier hours make us all ready for a bed a wee bit earlier.
Any new interests?
Playing outside, running, jumping, dancing, and climbing!
You even spell the word o-u-t-s-i-d-e, and he is off getting his coat on. I'm so happy Spring has arrived and we can spend more time outside and travel to parks and other adventures!
He now sits at the table like a big boy, with a booster seat, of course. Farewell highchair. He even climbs in it himself! As for eating habits, he has become a very "picky" eater. However, leave him at the table long enough and he will eat what's in front of him. I've learned to accept that on the days that he doesn't, he is not going to starve.
If you recall a picture from a post or two ago when we went to the part, you'll also recall how he leans his head forward when starting to run. Not sure if he thinks this gives him the momentum he needs to go forward or run faster, but I love watching him do it. What I find absolutely hilarious is when he "jumps." I put that in quotes because what he is actually doing is bending his knees and bouncing. He kind of goes into a squat and then pops up over and over again. He is so funny! I love it!

What's he saying?
Momma, dadda, ball, book, dog, down, night-night, more, all done, hi, bye, bath, uh-oh, hat and boo!
Boo is his latest fascination. It started the other day when I was changing him and he pulled a blanket up over his head. I pretended not to see him and in a sing-song voice asked "Where's Gavin?" The next thing I knew, he pushed the blanket down and yelled Boo! I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Now he does it all the time.
Any bad habits?
Well....... we have begun the use of time-outs. There are times when it is obvious he is testing us to the limit. He knows when he shouldn't do something because right before he is about to do it he looks back at you to 1) see if you're watching and 2) waiting for you to say "no." There are other times, let's say for instance he is playing on the fireplace and tapping on the glass, and I tell him no....he looks back at me, turns around and taps it just one more time. Ah why, Gavin?? I'm not loving the little tests, nor am I enjoying the time outs. (time-outs consist of 1-2 minutes in his crib without any blankets or toys and the door shut) I come back in after 1-2 minutes with a smile and tell him again why he is in there, we get a hug and then go back to playing or eating, etc. Throwing food has become an obsession as well. I've decided that if he wants to throw food at Grandpa's house it's fair game. Grandpa throws back....hahaha. Green beans were raining in the kitchen this past Sunday with Grandpa. Food, however, will not fly at home. Nor will dog food. Patience, Patience, Patience! As my mom says, "Pay now, or pay later." I choose now. I repeat this to myself every tantrum as he throws himself onto the floor screaming. I choose now, I choose now, I choose now.

Tomorrow is my little boy's first haircut. I think I might cry. I know it's time. His curls are cute right after a bath and when it's sprinkling out and we run to the car, but in the morning, it's one hot mess! I told myself I was ready. I gave in to daddy saying it's past time. But now that's it's scheduled....I'm sad :(
Stay tuned to see how this spectacular event turns out.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

March Madness at home!

This is the first year in I don't even know how many, that I have not paid any attention to basketball. Why you ask?? Because 1) I no longer work at the bar and forced to see it on every TV screen, and 2) I didn't have the pleasure of completing a bracket to where I could win anything. I stress pleasure because I don't know a thing about basketball or teams and always filled them out based on colors, mascots, places I've heard of, or know someone from that area. I think my former boss just wanted my money, but it was always a conversation starter with my patrons that would get me to participate. I always was a contender to win the whole thing too....but never did. I came in second once or twice and I was happy with that. It was, after all, just for fun.

So this year, I felt the need to get some basketball going in my house. I just don't think it would be March without some hoops. So Tim went out and picked up this neat hoop from Fisher Price. It has the "cheating" rim on it right now, but it just pops off to become a normal hoop. It also has 4 height adjustments up to 4 feet. Perfect for a toddler and into the preschool years. Even better, it can be used indoors and out. The ball that came with it was great....however, it only lasted about an hour before the dogs wanted to play too. Bye bye ball. So we now use whatever ball we have close by to play. It's the concept of the game anyway.

We started with the lowest height, but realized quickly that it was too easy and had to go up to the second level. Now he has to at least raise his arms to get the ball in!

 Slam Dunk!

 It's great when he makes a basket! He gets excited and we all clap and cheer. Sometimes he even does a little "dance." :)

Great Grandpa Johnson's 90th Birthday Bash!

90 YEARS!!
 Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Grandpa, Happy Birthday to you!!
Today we went to Aunt Joan's to celebrate Grandpa Johnson's 90th birthday! I think that is incredible. Just think about it....ninety years! That is my life times three! It's simply amazing. He shared his day with his wonderful wife, children, grandchildren and great grand kids! My, oh my, what a blessing it is to have so much family together. Congratulations (Great) Grandpa!
 If I have this right in my head, Gavin is #6 out of 7 great grandkids, but I could be wrong. Gavin was mostly interested in exploring and eating crackers when we arrived.
 What fun a long hallway is to a little boy and his cars, let alone for running!
 You didn't think he would miss the stairs now did you??
Someone had a few too many crackers, therefore had no interest in eating lunch. Not even macaroni and cheese or cheesy potatoes! Those are some of his favorites! On a positive note though, he also had no interest in cake, cookies, or ice cream either.
 Grandpa Johnson had him laughing galore at the table.
 He's a pretty funny guy, isn't he Gavin!
 What would a party be without presents? And what little boy can resist poking his fingers at them too! He was good though and only touched them for a minute before losing interest.
 Say Cheese Uncle Ben.
 Aunt Joan pulled out a cool fire truck for Gavin to play with while we were visiting because of course his own toys were "boring."
 However, all toys are boring when you have a cabinet full of Tupperware and other "fun" stuff to play with.
 After lunch everyone hangs around to chit chat and let the food know.
 Others just like to be goofy :) It's always a pleasure Chris!
 Aunt Joan and Jasper.
Uncle Mike and Grandma Kathy are winding down before heading home as well.
Aunt Joan and Aunt Kim telling stories.
 Someone is waaaay past his nap time, but he was a champ and didn't get too grumpy for everyone. But as you can see.....he is fighting sleep here.

 Getting ready to head home for a nap.
 Hi Ryan! I have to say a big THANK YOU to you for being my reference! Everyone has been wonderful at Fifth Third.
It is always a pleasure to get together with the Johnson side of the family! Unfortunately we don't do it often enough. Today was a nice time and hopefully we start seeing everyone a bit more often :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Good Morning Monday!

Good morning all!
I think my first haircut is getting closer and closer......this bed head is out of control!!

It is the second week of our new routine. Two and a half hours is a HUGE difference in the morning!
You should see my mommy ;)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Huan Ying YeYe!

Welcome Home from China Grandpa!
We were so glad to make a visit tonight after Grandpa's return last week. He spent TEN days in China for work and then came home sick so we didn't get to have a welcoming dinner. It's not that we didn't want to see him....but I sure don't want to catch some strange strand of the Asian flu. Just kidding Dad, I know you're feeling much better. Of course he brought everyone back some goodies:) Tim has an authentic Shanghai Harley T-shirt and I received a strand of pearls! Very nice!
But he was the lucky one!
Grandpa brought him home not just one, but THREE new Chinese silk outfits. Not your typical park wear or trip to Kroger's, but we will have fun with them. I just know it! He brought them each in a different size too...good thinking Grandpa!

I really wish I knew what he was thinking right here. I can see the gentleman on TV is really impressed. Doesn't it look like he is staring down at Gavin while he sips on that Coke?!
This is obviously the largest of the three new styles.
Makes me think of playing ball in this one....from the side anyway. Something tells me that the Chinese aren't known for their basketball abilities. Maybe it's the lack of height. I don't know. I worked at a sports bar almost ten years to learn that much. Yes, that's all I know. Basketball I mean all sports are not my area of expertise.
Careful letting him play with your phone Grandma, he may call China. I'm not joking. He has called many people with mine without permission. I have to wonder what people hear me saying/singing/laughing/reading/playing or TV is on in the background. I really need to remember to lock it more often all the time.
Ummm, yah, this face has trouble all over it. I just want to squeeze him though!
Did you go see the Lady Bug Festival like Kai-Lan Grandpa???
Someone missed his Grandpa a whole bunch and was ready to curl up with a book...
immediately followed by some intense puzzle time on the fireplace.
Welcome Home Grandpa!
We are very happy you're home!