Wednesday, March 31, 2010

First Haircut

At long last I have given in to the first haircut. Guess what? It wasn't so bad!! He still has curls!! Yay!
The haircut itself lasted approx five minutes. Cathy was amazing! Hopefully she doesn't retire too soon because we like her and hope Gavin returns to Village Squire for a few more cuts in the future.  I must admit that I was sad on the way there....I imagined the curls disappearing, a tantrum beyond belief, screaming, tears, what have you. I packed a snack pack of pretzels, fruit loops and a sippy cup and of course, one of his "silkies" for the extravaganza. He needed none of them. Cathy had pretzel rods available...Gavin's favorite, and then tis the season..frosted Easter cookies! With sprinkles!! What tot wouldn't take time-out from crying to indulge in a sweet treat :) Needless to say, the haircut was successful minus a few alligator tears there in the beginning. I feel that it was just him being in an unfamiliar place that startled him. Other than being up on the chair, he was happy as a squirrel! The best part for me...he still has curls!! There isn't much to say about a first haircut because it's simply that...the cutting of hair. Gavin survived, as did I.
p.s. He didn't really cry that much. I'm back in action with my picture taking and snapped a shot every thirty seconds! Grandpa took just as many as he is the master photographer!!

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