Sunday, March 28, 2010

Great Grandpa Johnson's 90th Birthday Bash!

90 YEARS!!
 Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Grandpa, Happy Birthday to you!!
Today we went to Aunt Joan's to celebrate Grandpa Johnson's 90th birthday! I think that is incredible. Just think about it....ninety years! That is my life times three! It's simply amazing. He shared his day with his wonderful wife, children, grandchildren and great grand kids! My, oh my, what a blessing it is to have so much family together. Congratulations (Great) Grandpa!
 If I have this right in my head, Gavin is #6 out of 7 great grandkids, but I could be wrong. Gavin was mostly interested in exploring and eating crackers when we arrived.
 What fun a long hallway is to a little boy and his cars, let alone for running!
 You didn't think he would miss the stairs now did you??
Someone had a few too many crackers, therefore had no interest in eating lunch. Not even macaroni and cheese or cheesy potatoes! Those are some of his favorites! On a positive note though, he also had no interest in cake, cookies, or ice cream either.
 Grandpa Johnson had him laughing galore at the table.
 He's a pretty funny guy, isn't he Gavin!
 What would a party be without presents? And what little boy can resist poking his fingers at them too! He was good though and only touched them for a minute before losing interest.
 Say Cheese Uncle Ben.
 Aunt Joan pulled out a cool fire truck for Gavin to play with while we were visiting because of course his own toys were "boring."
 However, all toys are boring when you have a cabinet full of Tupperware and other "fun" stuff to play with.
 After lunch everyone hangs around to chit chat and let the food know.
 Others just like to be goofy :) It's always a pleasure Chris!
 Aunt Joan and Jasper.
Uncle Mike and Grandma Kathy are winding down before heading home as well.
Aunt Joan and Aunt Kim telling stories.
 Someone is waaaay past his nap time, but he was a champ and didn't get too grumpy for everyone. But as you can see.....he is fighting sleep here.

 Getting ready to head home for a nap.
 Hi Ryan! I have to say a big THANK YOU to you for being my reference! Everyone has been wonderful at Fifth Third.
It is always a pleasure to get together with the Johnson side of the family! Unfortunately we don't do it often enough. Today was a nice time and hopefully we start seeing everyone a bit more often :)

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