Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bowling Green City Park

There really isn't a whole lot you can elaborate about for a simple afternoon in the park. So I'm not going to say much. I'm just going to post some pictures.
This picture is my favorite of the day.
It just looks like a great day at the park!!
Daddy tried this little bouncy thing out with him for a minute. But interest was short lived here.
We have yet to learn the correct way to go up a slide.....
What goes up...
must slide down!
The slides are definitely the favorite in my little boys eyes!
We did wander around a little bit to check out other things to play with and ride.

But naturally returned to the slides. We made an attempt for the bigger ones, but he couldn't get up them.
Unsure of this one.
He kept getting stuck for lack of better explanation.
Maybe he is too big (size-wise) for it.
So we were back at his favorite! And this time he went down them the correct way! Yay!

We hope to check a whole bunch of different parks this summer!!

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