Sunday, April 25, 2010

Marching for Babies!

The rain held out for the March of Dimes today! Hip Hip Hooray!! Otherwise I'm not sure we would have made it. Thunderstorms were predicted but we didn't even get a sprinkle....until about ten minutes after we got home! Whew! That was close:) We debated a little bit this morning, but the weather looked safe when we left the house. The walk was in Maumee and started and ended at the Lucas County Fairgrounds. Only a hop, skip, and a jump from our house.
The March of Dimes is a cause that raises money to support programs in communities that help moms have healthy full-term pregnancies. Also 76 cents of every dollar you raise supports research and programs for babies to begin healthy lives. Our family was blessed with a little boy born 10 weeks early on Feb 4th, 2009. His name is Bennett and he is Gavin's cousin. His story is incredible and you can read about his amazing journey here. We finally had the pleasure of meeting the big guy at Christmas and you never would have known he was so very tiny at birth...a whopping 2 lbs 11 oz. He is an astonishing "not-so-little" boy now:) Here is the most recent picture I have of the Mills family. (I believe this is Bennett's 1st birthday)!!
I had to include this picture of B as well. Why? Because I can't help but smile every single time I see it!
I wish they didn't live in Oklahoma so we could see each other more often! Luckily, we have the Internet to share pictures and stories during the lapses between visits.
Alright, now back to this morning before I get teary telling stories....
This is Gavin refusing to wear the bracelet. Hand up over his head if you even leaned towards him with it. Which was completely fine. I was more or less curious what he would do with it then actually think he would wear it.
Mr. I-can-do-everything-myself figured out how to get out of his stroller, in motion, mind you, and demand to push it himself. Luckily this was all prior to the beginning of the walk. He did very well and enjoyed his 3.1 mile ride once we got moving.
 Hanging out before start time.
 I had to get a picture of daddy here, because this may be the first and last walk he goes on. He agrees with the cause..he just would rather go fishing than walk amongst hundreds and hundreds of people. Slowing down..speeding up..stopping...zig-zagging, etc. We were very happy he joined us this morning though. I wasn't exactly sure where I was going or how Gavin would behave so my wonderful husband was a trooper and accompanied us!
After we arrived back at the fairgrounds we were greeted by some ladies in makeup handing out some balloons. This is a coworker from downtown and her daughter that I was able to meet up with this morning. She is a miracle child herself:) She entertained during part of the walk with renditions of Twinkle Twinkle! What a doll!
Gavin accepted the balloon offer with his new shaking of the head "No." He was only interested in the Subway they were passing, but he did muster up a smile for the camera.

It turned out to be a great morning, a great walk, and for a great cause!

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