Saturday, April 3, 2010

Garage sale steal!!

If you recall that I mentioned earlier that daddy went fishing while we went to the Egg Hunt. Well, on his way home he happened to pass a garage sale and stopped in to see if they had any outdoor toys that would be suitable for our little man. The owners drove a hard bargain, but we came home from the farm to find this new car sitting in the driveway. Daddy stole it for a buck! That's it, everyone....ONE DOLLAR!! What a deal! Gavin loves it. We were outside ALL afternoon today. Luckily the wind and chill that came through today happened while he was napping. What a perfect day!

 Beep, Beep!
 He hasn't mastered how to get out of it gracefully yet. He opens the door and, oh, how should I put this, falls onto the ground and crawls out. Then stand up and smiles in accomplishment!
 Later guys, I'm out-a-here!

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