Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter fun at the Country Lane Tree Farm!

We beat the rain and wind and had a busy morning at the Country Lane Tree Farm in Genoa. Gavin and I went and met our buddies Nessa and Pressly while daddy went fishing. We had to park down the street and hike it up to the farm so it's a good thing I keep an umbrella stroller in the backseat just in case! Today was Easter Egg Hunt Hayride day!
"Welcome to Country Lane Tree Farm"....said the goose. The goose actually walked right up to us to say hello up close and personal.
As soon as we arrived inside Gavin got to pet a baby goat. He/she was really soft. Gavin grabbed him just like he does Jazzy and pulled him in close!
Next we jumped on the hayride to head out to the Easter Egg Patch! This is as close to the Easter Bunny as we dared to go and get a picture. Someone didn't feel social with the furry character. We attempted to sit near him on the ride, but someone wasn't having it. Maybe next year. This year we are going to be happy with a wave :)
Recovering from the Easter Bunny fear. It's ok, we are now sitting at the front of the wagon and will be first to get off to search for eggs! I'm always thinking.....
Gavin was an EXCELLENT egg finder and collector! All children were allowed to collect 6 eggs to take back to the farm and exchange them for candy and prizes. Gavin found waaaaaaay more than 6, but he threw most of them back down anyway.

"Mom, it's EMPTY!"
Hanging out with Pressly and Reed while we wait for the wagon to come back to get us.
I think Gavin may have a crush...he shared his eggs with Miss Pressly :)
Yay for the Easter Egg Hunt!
Moooooo, says the cow that Gavin got to pet. So did mommy! I couldn't resist!
 These fellas weren't in the mood to be social this afternoon. So we just watched them with curiousity.
After a lunch of hotdogs and chips, we headed into the hay maze. Gavin loved it at first, but soon grew tired and frustrated. Walking on hay is tough for little legs.

We ended our morning on the playground because he also wanted nothing to do with going to visit baby chicks and other animals to pet. Hopefully next time. This kid is too busy to want to sit still!
I think this farm better stick to the barnyard animals because this fish Gavin is riding is scary. They must have found this guy in the river.

"Give me back that Filet-O-Fish.
Give me that fish.
Give me back that Filet-O-Fish.
Give me tha fish.
What if it were you hanging up on this wall?
If it were you in that sandwich you wouldn't be laughing at allllll."
Mmmm, tastes like chicken!

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