Saturday, April 10, 2010

Super Saturday!

What a nice weekend it turned out to be!! A little windy at times, but we can make do with that. As long as we can run around outdoors, we will be just fine! We finally broke out the Roller Coaster again this year! And this year is even better because Gavin can push the cart up the slide, get on it, and push himself off all by himself! (with supervision of course). We had a few mishaps going up the hill and climbing on the first few tries.....but he is a champ now!
Next we played with some sidewalk chalk!
Did you know that lawn mowers blew bubbles??!! It's AMAZING!

This is when mommy was trying to get me to go inside for dinner...but I was too busy playing!
I finally gave in....

Check out that dirty door from two big doggies!
It's hopeless to clean. Unless we are expecting company ;)
Of course Gavin had to run back out after a measly few bites to play with the puppies!! Who needs food when the weather is beautiful?!
The backyard has no limits to this kid.
So we went to visit our good buddies at the quarry!
Hi Pressly!

We had another wonderful evening with them (we visited them last night too).
What a nice day :)

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