Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bubble Mania!

 A gloomy day outside kept us indoors most of the afternoon. So we brought a little outdoor fun inside. Some bubbles aren't going to hurt anything, right?? We had bubbles blowing all over the living room. Grandma and Grandpa Johnson gave Gavin a spill-proof bubble "thingie" for his birthday so he can actually hold his own bubble stuff without my hand being mere inches away. Nice!
 We had a bubble stomp....
 Gavin's turn to blow some bubbles. He would get so excited and his whole body would get into the blowing process! It took a few times, but we finally saw bubbles!!

 See his little bubble below. He blew a big one on his own too.
Alright guys, I got the hang of it, now I want to do it ALL by myself!
I didn't know any bubble songs or activities to try and do today. I know, I know...who doesn't know a million bubble songs??
There are tons.
I know.
I googled them later during his nap.
One link that had several songs, books, and activities for children about bubbles is here.

While he couldn't manage to blow bubbles through the wand on his own, it sure wasn't for lack of trying...Tim and I about died when he went to talk and a big bubble came out! Why don't I ever have a video going for these moments......

Guess the old fashioned method of "washing your mouth out with soap" is not going to be too deterring to this kid...what do ya think?

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