Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chicka Chicka What?!

Why, it's Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! 

Even better, it's not even 7am yet.

I have been creating this tree for Gavin for the last two nights. It's nothing complicated. While walking through Hobby Lobby, I had a vision of creating a tree and somehow being able to put the letters on it...and I had NO idea how I was going to do it. I do this a lot. I concoct ideas and then am clueless as to how I'm going to bring them to life. But then I saw this brown cone shaped thingy in the "plant/floral" area. I honestly have no idea what you would do with it. But it looked good to me. Sturdy and able to stand alone. Then I grabbed some green pieces of foam to cut out some leaves. I glued a pipe cleaner to each leaf and then shoved it into the trunk. Wah-la! I have a tree. Now how the heck are we going to hook letters to it? Well, I had also picked up some glass marbly things to use as part of a counting game. (Perhaps I'll get to that next week) They came in this net-like bag. It's perfect. I shoved some pipe cleaners through it and wrapped them around the base and good golly, we are in business to hang some letters.  I think it turned out better than I imagined.
I also picked up these alphabet tiles. Came with two of every letter. Very nice for when we undoubtedly lose some. 
Not only did we play letter recognition, but we also did counting and colors.
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!
We also played with his felt storyboard set. I'm not a big fan. I like the storyboards as fun ways to "read" stories, but this one has all lower case letters. The b, d, and p could be interchanged. They are not sturdy and become misshaped quickly. Probably why I wanted to create another activity to go along with this book. But we will continue to use both, I'm sure.
See that backward e...Gavin told me it was a g. And honestly, it doesn't look much different than the actual g that came with it. Not to mention the w and m will be tough as well. Although, I do know it's good for him to see the upper AND lower case letters.
♫ A, B, C, D, E, F, G.....♫

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