Thursday, March 17, 2011

I think I heard *something*

I learned that the very second I hear Gavin stir I need to rush downstairs. Usually he gets up and starts yelling to me, "I wake up, Mommy!!" Today, he didn't. I thought I heard a creek through the monitor, but laid in bed listening for a few minutes. It was only 6:15am. Then I heard a door. Ok, he's definitely up, and he must be coming out of his room. Time to get up. So I came downstairs and popped in his room to surprise him. This is what I saw...
On a positive note, it's evident that he was up playing quietly in his room for a little while now. The negative....he's no longer in his room. Where is he?! Our home is not very big. So I call his name and listen very quietly.

"I'm downstairs Mommy!"
In the scary basement. He's never been down there before by himself. He refers to it as scary when he looks down there....until now. Now he has discovered the home of his old toys! Time to buy one of those childproof doorknob-squeezer thingies.
And he brought Jazzy down with him.
He wins this time and I let him pick ONE toy to bring upstairs.
He's happy....I'm happy.
Now on to breakfast.
Me: "What do you want for breakfast today?"
G: "Pretzels and hotdogs."
Me: "How about pancakes?"
G: "How bout pancakes and hotdogs?"
Me: "Why do I even ask..." {shaking my head and smiling as I walk back to the kitchen}
Together we made peanut butter pancakes. Gavin is an excellent helper.... and taste tester.

Mmmmmm, Jiffy!
Time to get dressed for school??
Ha....nice try buster. Get up. It's go time.

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