Sunday, March 13, 2011

What to do on a VERY rainy day?

You find someplace dry...duh! I found someplace with all kinds of pets and it's free, people. Unless you MUST get some new balls and treats for your spoiled dogs while you're in there. I originally thought of going to see the HUGE fish tank at Bass Pro, but quickly remembered how busy it can be there and how fast my boy can disappear.
What's not to like? Super cute animals everywhere, right?
No mice or hamsters were running on the wheels today. But we saw LOTS of fish.
 This guinea pig was SO cute!
And his toys were pretty fun to play with too.
As previously mentioned,  we went over to browse for Chance and Sammy.
Walls of colorful stuffed toys? Um... no. No thank you on the massive amounts of stuffing that would most definitely be spread out over my living room carpet.
Likewise, no thank you on some Tuff Tires that I would bet money aren't so tough after a few minutes with my dogs.
Not even the bigger one.
We also saw cats to be adopted and dogs being groomed.
It was a nice half hour or so. I'll take what I can get. The end.the wheels today, but we have been known to watch (and squeal) at mice on s

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