Friday, March 25, 2011


 Some days I don't know how I keep up. Playing the role of single mom to an energetic toddler, working two jobs, toting G to daycare, grandma and grandpas, errands, entertaining two rambunctious labs, amongst the every day tasks at home, has me wishing for more hours in a day. Except, then it goes without saying, I would just have more stuff to do. (Yes, I'm very aware that I have it good and that many others have much tougher schedules and situations) Unfortunately, I still have moments where I feel like I can't keep up. I feel the exhaustion taking over and I'm ready to CRASH. It is exactly these moments when Gavin comes over to me and says, "Mommy, play with me." This particular evening, he wanted to play ring-around-the-rosy. The "All Fall Down" part over and over again almost killed me. Seriously. It took every ounce of energy I had to get up again and again AND do it with a smile and enthusiasm. But it was all worth it. Because the day will come when he won't ask his mommy to play with him. He will be too cool.

I'll sleep then...maybe.

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