Thursday, March 10, 2011

A day in our life

I've been reading a few of these "day in the life" posts floating around the blog world lately.  They are very interesting.  I love seeing how others spend their day.  For us, each day is completely different.  If I only wrote one post regarding our day, I'd feel like it was totally misleading. an effort to have more things to blog about....I'm going to try (key word) to randomly post these a couple times a month.  Let's start with today...Wednesday, March 9th.

5:00am: Alarm goes off
5:00:20am: Hit snooze...multiple times.
5:20am: Actually throw legs over the side of the bed to stand up.
5:25am: Let the dogs out. (wait for them, because if I get in the shower with them outside they start barking like maniacs and who wants to be woken up by their neighbors dogs at this hour.)
5:35am: Shower.
5:50am: Attempt to get hair partially dried before Gavin opens his door.
6:00am: Start making breakfast wearing bathrobe and damp hair while Gavin jumps all over the kitchen. He is really into jumping lately.
6:15am: Set up breakfast in front of TV (I know, not cool--it will backfire later) so I can finish getting ready for work.
6:30am: Coax Gavin to hurry up and finish so he can get dressed. (getting 2yr old dressed takes much longer than it should)
6:45am: "PLEASE pick out a shirt Gavin"...we have to go soon.
7:00am: Get dogs out one more time, get coats and shoes on, and TRY to get out the door!
7:05am: Realize Gavin's shirt is SOAKED from playing with squirt bottle while I was getting ready. I now rush to change his clothes.
7:15am: Drop Gavin off at daycare. 99% of the time this is very easy process.
7:30am: Arrive at work
7:30am-3pm: Work. It's always interesting in Testing Services. (That would call for another blog completely)
3:30pm: Get home to let dogs out and discover backyard is a MESS. I mean swamp. You could swim back there. See previous post.
3:50-4:00pm: Desperately try to get dogs inside without completely trashing the kitchen floor. Check and double check gate to living room is shut before even opening back door.
4:30pm: Pick little man up from daycare. I have to make him leave because he wants to keep playing. Then he wants to go to Pressly's house. Anywhere but home. {sigh}
4:50pm: Arrive at Petsmart. Looking at animals should distract and entertain him for a bit.
5:00-5:30pm: Chase Gavin from rabbits to guinea pigs to birds to with lots of animal toys...pick out some balls for our dogs.
5:45pm: Finally get home for the day and get started on dinner. There is some leftover noodles in the fridge that I'm bringing back to life with some Alfredo sauce I have handy. We also are going to try some fried green beans.
6:00-6:26pm: Listen to tantrum because I won't let him eat at the little crayola table in front of the TV. (recall that it's only for breakfast when I need to get myself ready--good thinking mommy) He even threatened me he was going to go night-night. Foolish boy, at this point I'm counting down the minutes.
6:26pm: Reluctantly eat cold dinner at the dinner table. I win.
7:00pm: Relax with some Dora and talk to my mom on the phone.
7:45pm: Gavin decides he wants a bath. But it's bedtime! We were going to skip it tonight. But I'm not going to argue anymore with him. Not over a bath--that HE WANTS to take. Although I've come to realize that it's merely a toddler tactic to delay bedtime.
8:00pm: Jammie's and two stories
8:15pm: Sing Twinkle, Twinkle, exchange lots of tickles and turn out the lights.
8:30pm: Wish I liked wine and had some in the house.
8:45pm: Settle on watching the remainder of American Idol in a zombie-like stare.
10:15pm: Take the dogs out for their last time of the night.
10:45pm: Remember that all of Gavin's cups are dirty and dishwasher needs run. Start it.
11:00pm: Crawl in bed and dream that G doesn't wake up too early.

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