Monday, April 4, 2011

and a HALF

When does being "a half" stop being cool? I remember being 7 and a half, 10 and a half, but not 18 and a half. So when is the magic number??

In the meantime, I'm loving the HALF!! Gavin is 2.5!!

What's new? Well, vocab EXPLOSION!! I mean tick tick tick BOOM!!
That about sums it up. The kid can talk. He talks about talking. He talks about nothing. He talks to hear himself talk.

"Where (fill in blank) go?"
"Daddy, big truck..working."
"Mom, what's this?"

"Mommy, dis yucky." or "Eewww, gross"
"Mom. Mom. Mommy. Mom. MOMMMMYYYYY!!

"A, B, C, D, E, {pause} H, K, L.....{switches to Twinkle, Twinkle}
"Dino Dan on"

"Watch Bubble Duppies" (Bubble Guppies)
"Mommy, watch me." {pause-long enough to take a breath} "Are you watching?"
"I jump on you."
"I tickle you." 
"Let's go bye-bye.....C'mon Mommy."
"PRESSLY HOUSE!" {this evidently needs to be screamed}
"I do it."
"Mommy, NOOOO."

"It's broken."
"What happened?"
Aaaahhhhh-chooo! (lots of dramatic fake sneezing around here)

All of that was said in approximately five seconds. It's great. 

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