Friday, April 22, 2011

Don't look away...not for a SECOND

If you do, let's say, while you're packing an overnight bag to take to grandma and grandpa's since daycare is closed on Good Friday, your little person might bring you this.....
(what the heck???)
Perhaps this picture is clearer on what the shiny gadget is...
Quick Gavin, turn off the water! 
(Good thing I had my cell phone in my pocket to capture this "almost" flood)
And then I laugh.
Because I missed a near mess.
Because what on earth possessed him to pull that off?
How did he even get that off?
It was screwed in. I know this, because I can't get it back on. I tried for almost a whole minute. It can wait. Daddy will be home tomorrow to fix it. That's only one morning of brushing my teeth in the kitchen. I'm OK with that if it saves me frustration.
Since we have a full sink, we might as well have bubbles, no?
Fortunately, the water drained out slowly by the time I returned home from dropping G off. I'm not messing with it. No child tonight. I'm going to bed.
On a related note, look how clean my bathroom sink is!

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