Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Florida Vacation!

Gavin and I were fortunate enough to spend a week at Fort Walton Beach with Aunt Jeanna and cousin Kristie! We are so glad that they asked us to join them. While vacationing with a toddler is very different than my past vacations, it was much well as a learning experience for future trips :)

We arrived on Monday and went straight to the beach!
Doesn't he look tiny?!
Gavin had no fear of the ocean.
Hang on tight Kristie, he might will go running in.
Building sandcastles
If only he would have stayed there more than two minutes, I could have shut my eyes and soaked up the sun myself.
We headed out to eat at Fuddpuckers our first night. They are known for all of their alligators! (which they keep until the ripe size of about 4 feet and then relocate)
Gavin was more cautious than I would have anticipated here. He didn't want to feed the alligators or hold one for a picture. But he did enjoy sprinting all over the docks.
See this green car? This is where you might find a 2.5 year old after discovering he is no longer in the store at the mall you are shopping.  Lesson learned.

Re-energizing with a snack at the beach with Aunt Jeanna.
Chilling on a sand dune
Chasing birds
Splashing with Mommy
More playing in the sand
I think this is my favorite
A past bedtime ice cream treat...
...that Mommy ended up eating because playground trumps ice cream.
And the reason we were able to enjoy these days at the beach.....
The Tippecanoe Baseball team!
(Daniel is #7)

1 comment:

  1. that beach is beautiful and made for some breath taking photos. looks like you had a ton of fun! good for you!
