Monday, April 25, 2011

Egg tiiiiiime!

After the Tree Farm and a nap, we headed to the quarry for a special egg hunt and egg coloring!
You didn't have to tell these kids twice to go hunt!
They wanted to trade baskets.
So my son is carrying around a pink Minnie Mouse basket.
Who cares what the basket looks like, Mom. This one holds more eggs!
Look at them go! Almost looks G has pushed P over and is launching himself over her to get to the next egg, doesn't it? He didn't. Trust me, no one was hurt and pushed in the collecting of eggs.
They are such buddies.
They even plot together.
You go this way...I'll go that way.
Look at all these eggs!
Heading back to check out their loot.
Coloring some Easter pictures outside while we set up the coloring station. The temperature continued to be wonderful into the evening. Yes!
The Easter Bunny is coming tonight!
Such artists :)
This year we tried a new coloring method by using tissue paper and water. All that was needed was some pieces of bright colored tissue paper, a dish of water and some hard-boiled eggs.
Dip the pieces in water and then "paper-mache" the egg.
The idea seemed genius to start, but quickly turned into a bowl of wet paper and slopped on squishy eggs. I mean, I had to squeeze excess water off them before setting them up to dry. Perhaps, it wasn't as an easy idea as I hoped.
But they had fun!
And the colors did indeed transfer onto the egg.
But not nearly as bright as I had imagined.
So we ran with another idea I learned this year and used some whisks.
No dropped eggs here!

Independent people were able to color eggs themselves!
What fun we had today!

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