Friday, September 30, 2011

Birthday Cookies

You know what the best part of having to go to school on your birthday is?

You get to take a birthday treat!!

Which Mommy forgot about until after work the night before and it was raining buckets outside.

So we got a little wet and ran down the street to Rite Aid to pick up something.
Anything easy was fine with me.

He picked out sugar cookies.
Instead of saying easy....I should have said something not time consuming and messy.

But what fun would that have been!
Yes sir-ree! That was neat AND easy!

There is no way this bag was getting that kind of result.
 We used TWO bags to create 18 total cookies
He DID pick the train cookie cutter and it IS a larger cookie, but the little bit I tossed in the trash would have made MAYBE two little drop cookies. Maybe.
I don't know who decides what portions cookies should be, but in our house, even without the train cutter, 72 cookies was OUT of the question.

All was alright though. We had enough for his class!
We sure didn't need more than that.

We still have some cake :)

1 comment:

  1. the kids loved them!!!!! they were so excited! when we have a class treat we wait till after lunch to eat all day i hear "when are we eating the cookies?"..."where are the cookies?"...the second we sit down for lunch "can i have a cookie now?" lol! they loved that they got to pick their own colors. but FYI the green makes a fun mess...for some reason every kid (your son included) was covered with green stains from the sprinkles lol! They were amazing! thank you so much for bringing them in and posting these cute pictures so we can see how hard gavin worked on them! :) TOO CUTE!
