Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Gavin's 3rd Birthday Party!

 The BEST 3rd Birthday Party Ever!

Let's rewind a second. The day before Gavin's 1st birthday, Daddy had knee surgery, so BIG celebration wasn't all that practical. Gavin's 2nd birthday, Daddy was on the road. Very sad, but we had a little shin-dig with Grandma and Grandpa. So this year, for the BIG 3, we were having a party! We invited all the family, some friends and neighbors, and DADDY was going to be here!! Yes, this was the best birthday ever!
I was determined to make it the best that I could!

I made a swag for the wall.
I bought some balloons.
I found someone to make the best dang cake a 3 year old Mater fanatic could EVER want.

I made (courtesy of Gordan Food) a lunch.
We had pulled pork sandwiches and Swedish meatballs.
I also made an antipasto pasta salad.
My brother Mike, brought his famous nacho dip.
My mom brought a bean dip and Tim's mom brought some coleslaw.

Later we grilled some hotdogs for the kids.
We were very excited that all the family came!

There was lots of fun in the backyard on the swing.
I love this picture!
More fun was had on the roller coaster!
Tickling and carrying on outside.
So much carrying on, that I finally cut up half a dozen dogs, put them on a big plate, corralled all the kids up into the play-set, and had them eat SOMETHING while they play nonstop.

Then we moved on to some Sand Fun. I got this idea while at Harrison Rally Day, and saw all the kids lining up to make Sandy Candy. I went with sand instead of sugar, but the idea is the same. Everyone loved it. From age 2-10.

Even the dogs were good! They played, they didn't bark. They were perfect!
(and worn out by the end of the day....perfect for me!)
After our sand necklaces, we moved into the front yard for the big moment. The PINATA!
I've been told numerous times that I have this mean or irritated look. I think this captures it. Although I'm not irritated, I'm not mad, it's just my face. I need to work on facial expressions.
I've heard stories of little kids being upset with smashing favorite characters.
This was NOT the case.
I talked to Gavin about what a pinata is for the last week.
He knew what had to be done to get the CANDY, STICKERS, and TOYS out :)
Boy, did he do it with some fierce determination!
Next up was cousin Jasper. He may be the youngest, but he had the right idea using the hard end of the bat to bust that Mater open.
All the kids did wonderful standing in line and waiting their turn.
I think the girls may even have been the toughest!
Hit that thing, Pressly!
Kaylee is a future softball star!
The boys may have knocked it down, but the girls loosened it up! No doubt about it!
But it's OK, because Daddy will fix it :)
You like the fix of a coat hanger and a ratchet strap to hang it with??
I thought it added to the Mater vibe quite well.
Flying Mater!
The Birthday boy comes back for last hit!
And the candy comes falling out!
Time for cake.
The highlight of Gavin's day.
We all sang Happy Birthday to him.
He was tickled pink!

Shining moment?
Uncle Matt graciously volunteered to be the Mater cake cutter. I'm not sure I would have been able to cut it. It was so cool!
He did a fantastic job!
Thank you, Matt!
And Thank you Gabby for helping him pass it out.
"I want the teeth piece, Uncle Matt!"
Present time!
Thank you, Everyone!
Thank you to everyone who came to make this day super special for Gavin. Thank you to my parents (Grandma and Grandpa) for taking him for a couple hours so we could set up, and also for bringing the table and chairs, (you saved the day!!) Thank you Mike, for bringing your famous nacho dip, there were no leftovers, Thank you Matt and Gabby for making the trip from Columbus for Gavin's big day, Thank you Grandma Woody and Grandpa Buzz for coming after a long night and an early walk (Komen Race for the Cure). Thank you Grandpa Pat and Grandpa Paul for coming all the way from Oak Harbor, it's been too  long! Ben, Laura, we don't see you enough either! Ron, don't let so much time go by next time ;) (hehe)
All our friends, THANK YOU for coming. This was a spectacular day for Gavin!!
One that he will most definitely remember.
And a HUGE Thank you to the man you won't find in any of these pictures, because he was too busy behind the camera all day. Thank you, Dad! These pictures are incredible!
There are MANY, MANY more from today at

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