Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Harrison Rally Day

What is Harrison Rally Day?
It's held in downtown Perrysburg every September.  Thousands turn out for the annual event.
The event is held along Louisiana Avenue from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

It is a family-friendly event that includes art and music throughout the day, as well as food and activities for children.

At 10 a.m. the annual Harrison Rally Day Parade kicked-off and traveled up Louisiana Avenue. (the highlight for us)

Also at the event will be the Taste of Perrysburg food court, featuring a number of area eateries, a Marketplace area with scores of merchant and service organization booths, and the Creation Station for children's games and art activities.

There is also musical entertainment, The Perrysburg High School Dancers perform, The Rally for the Arts section of Harrison Rally Day features several artists in a juried competition, as well other artists and artisans. 
The best part? We can walk from my house.
So we invited some friends to come over and mosey on down the street with us!

 We should have walked a little faster, because the streets were already crowded at our arrival.
The kids were patient, and slowly but surely they made their way up to the street to wave at the floats and collect bagfuls of sugar.
Gavin slowly started migrating down the street. Eventually I had to hop over the crowd, sprint down and return him for easy viewing.
"Look what I got, Pressly!"
 "Awww Man! You got some candy bars and smarties in there!"
The Firetrucks are ALWAYS the best part!
Waving to the fireman.
Attempting the impossible and getting a picture of all the kids looking and smiling together.
We took several. It wasn't happening.
But it wasn't from lack of trying ;)
You CANNOT go to a parade and leave without a balloon. It's a rule. Somewhere. And if we are lucky, we will be picked in the drawing to win a gift certificate at the Harley Shop!
Next stop was in the kids area. A booth called Sandy Candy. It's exactly what it sounds like. Bottles and bottles of flavored and colored sugar that kids can pour into a desired plastic shapes and wear around their neck, wrist, or larger sizes, set up on a table or dresser.
They LOVED it! 
(which gave me an idea)
Gavin picked a dinosaur and filled it with Lemonade, Cappuccino, Blue Sonic and some green flavored sugar. I'm sure it was going to be incredible.
*cough, cough, barf, cough, cough, this isn't going to be pretty, cough, cough*
But I got lucky! We found a clearing and let the boys run wild for a few minutes. While having a grand ol' time, Gavin took his cap off and sugar was flying out. I could have stopped him, and put the lid back on. Sure, I COULD have, but I saw it as a lesson in learning that you should listen to Mommy when she tells you not to keep playing with it. ;)

After fighting our way around the main street a bit, Harrison Rally Day, could easily have been renamed, Harrison Stroller War, we started to head back to my place. It was pushing lunch and nap time for the kids, and we wanted to end on a positive experience!

Thanks for joining us Jodi, Kenna, Nessa, Pressly, Sarah, Chase and Brynn!
We had fun!

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