Tuesday, September 20, 2011

From Mom

Dear G,

Today was a long day. Which is very surprising since we both were able to get quite a bit of sleep last night. I slept nearly 9 hours!! And you, little man, slept nearly 12! Why we felt rushed around this morning is beyond me. Although it does explain why you didn't take a nap at school today....making the evening somewhat trying. I'm struggling with a cold or something. Someday you'll know that thick feeling in your throat that means only one thing. You're getting sick. I'm fighting it hard, because this weekend is going to be tons of fun. It's your birthday party, you know.

Tonight after playing cars, trains, and puzzles, you finally ate your dinner. I reckon it was mainly because I promised you a smartie if you finished all of your plate. You'll do just about anything for sugar.

Due to attitudes and illness, we opted to skip bath time and go right for jammies. Dora was already on TV, meaning it was 8:00 and the sun had gone down. So we snuggled up on the couch and you, sweet boy, must have known how I was feeling and started playing with my hair. You then said, looking at the tangly mess you styled, "Mommy, you look bee-you-ti-ful." This was the first time you've ever said that to me. I'll never forget it. Ever. I suddenly felt much better and we stayed up to watch Diego as well.

Thanks, little man, for making my week.


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