Saturday, December 31, 2011

Our week in Florida

We hit the road on Friday, Dec 23rd and returned home on Sunday, January 1st.
I could go into detail about all the stories and fun we had. This post would also then turn into a book itself. So rather, I'm going to post MORE  pictures and LESS words. I think the pictures speak for themselves.

We discovered this tree on the beach, so naturally I wanted to take a picture with it. The rest of the family followed suit. Christmas on the beach this year. It was different. I was thrown off a few times walking around with everyone saying Merry Christmas. Because it didn't feel like Christmas. We've never been anywhere but home on Christmas. It was 80 degrees. I thought it was great.
There may have been things living in this tree. It was there for a few days. Every day there were new "decorations" on it.

There was fishing and beach walking the first day.
Grandpa caught a few ocean fish called Black Drum. They tasted good.

Lots of playing in the sand with cousin Bennett! They became fast buddies and are only 4 months apart in age. We hadn't seen Bennett in almost two years because he lives in Oklahoma.

 Fun times on the beach were followed by fun times hiding in the closet...
Jumping on the bed...
Playing under the covers...
And watching Cars to wind down.
(Did you notice that we had spaghetti for dinner tonight?)
Some of the big kids had fun jet-skiing in the gulf one afternoon.
It did rain one day.
We went bowling.
Gavin's first time ever.
He thoroughly enjoyed it for almost 2 frames. Then the video games and candy machine won over.

Naturally I took a bag of crafty stuff.
The beach is fun, but we needed some fun out of the sun occasionally.
A nap would have been ideal, but I settled for "quiet" indoor time.

Our Florida snowman.

Another day we painted red some sea shells we had collected.
We really, really like to paint.

 The next day after they were good and dry, we glued them together with pipe cleaner and added red yarn legs and wiggly eyes.
  Crafty crabs.
More painting.
The usual.

Dinner out.
Of course there was swimming.

 Another afternoon we went to the BIG magazine advertised Pier Aquarium.
Which turned out to be not much bigger than our condo.
We saw some fish, but I knew I could find somewhere better...
Checking out the sharks.
(I was disappointed too.)
The touch tank.
Gavin was more of an observer than a toucher...
But Grandma touched one!

Have you ever seen a polka dot fish?
This moray eel was swimming around with some Black Drum. The type of fish that Grandpa caught, remember.
We went through the "entire" aquarium in a matter of minutes.

The next day we headed about 30 minutes north to visit the Clearwater Aquarium.
It's not just any aquarium. It's a rescue, rehab and release place.
Also home to Winter, the dolphin from the movie, Dolphin Tale.
(I admit, when I had first seen previews for this movie months ago, my first thought was, "really.... a movie about a dolphin that gets a prosthetic tail??")

 I have a new perspective now that I've seen the dolphin and the work that this aquarium does to save ocean animals. Very, very neat.
I bought the movie in the gift shop.
I must admit it was also neat to watch it and see the place in the movie and know that we were actually there.
Yes, much of the movie was filmed at this location.

It was also very cool to learn the true story.
Winter is her currently on her 18th tail. As she grows and becomes stronger, new tails are developed.
We sat and watched a skit about how she became tangled in a crab net.
Children were called up to help.

 See the net and the stuffed dolphin? They acted it out awesomely.

 Gavin was completely enthralled.

 Winter is now thriving and will obviously not be released back into the deep blue yonder.
He has found a home with the Clearwater Aquarium.
Along with three other dolphins, some otters, turtles, sharks, fish and sting rays.
You can check out the place at to learn about what they do and the animals that now call the place home, as well as, stories about the ones released.

Moving on....
(he has no idea what is in here yet.....)
The stingrays.
He pulled his hands out when they swam up :)
Checking out the nurse sharks.
Here's a better look from underneath where hands are safe.
(they are safe up top too. Just a little intimidating for little hands)
I believe this one is a lifelong resident due to blindness.
We were able to see them feeding the otters some snacks.
This one is named Oscar. He received his name from being rescued next to a dumpster by a grocery store.
We had a brief meltdown so we went outside and hung out by some giant turtle statues for a few.

From out here we could still look in and see the giant sea turtles.

This gave us a second wind to stay and watch a short dolphin show with Nicholas.

Nicholas likes to splash...

It might make a three year old cry for minute.
But smiles come back quickly when Daddy holds you.
Good times.
The following afternoon was picture day on the beach.
 Almost the whole family.
 We missed Matt this trip.
Work has a way of preventing vacation any time you want it.
 Dad practiced lots of photography.
He's getting pretty dang good!

I believe this is the night before we left.
A spectacular farewell to 2011.

Happy New Year!

(We spent actual New Years Eve driving)