Monday, December 12, 2011

Adding trim to the tree

I love when I find a project that is simple, cute, and I happen to have all the supplies around the house.
I trimmed a few colored wooden sticks in order to form the "tree shape."
Gavin did excellent with the glue and arranging them from largest to smallest.
Sitting on the table to dry.

 Later, we did one drop of glue and one pom-pom at a time.
The pom poms were very tempting to scatter all over the place.
Temptation won.
The next tree, we used our "gems."
And Mommy won against temptation to scatter these all over with a quick look and a "Don't you dare throw those in the air or Firehouse is going tell Santa!"
He quickly set them down and just ran his hands around in them for a bit.
They are sooooo sparkly! Soooo tempting....
Once again, we did one drop of glue and one gem at a time.
They are soooo pretty to look at, Mommy :)
Two more ornaments for the tree completed!

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