Saturday, December 3, 2011

Hotdog People

Gavin hasn't been feeling well the last two days and barely touched food. But today he woke up with a strong craving for hotdogs. Unfortunately for him, I made him wait until lunch time. 

Fortunately for him, I thought it would be fun to give them a little pizazz!
Hotdog people!
 I made three cuts into uncooked dogs. 
When you boil them in water, they bend up just like arms and legs.

"Now what, Mommy?"
I tried to explain how to only push the noodles in a little bit, but after several noodles shoved all the way through or breaking off, I finally made an example for him.
 He caught on quick!

They were a hit along side of some extra hotdog pieces and noodles.
Only thing missing was a bottle of mustard so I could have dotted on a couple eyeballs!

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