Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas at the Johnson/Deal homestead

 I didn't get to go to this year.
Because I had to work. Both jobs. I reported to job #1 at 7:15 AM. I pulled in my driveway from job #2 at 3:20AM. I did have nearly three hours between jobs. But by the time I got home, changed and ate, I barely squeezed in a nap before needing to leave again. On any other day, an hour nap would be outstanding. But today was long. Excruciatingly long. For me. Yet, I absolutely had to sit down at the computer and check out the pictures of what I missed today when I finally got home :) Because everyone else had a blast!

I asked Tim to take lots of pictures. He's not so reliable in that respect.
But Gavin is!
 I missed everyone together!!
Next event, I'm taking a vacation day. Or just calling off.
It's awful I missed this. 
While I had a chance to "see" several people at Jeff and Trisha's beautiful's not the same as hanging out and catching up.
It's been over a year since I've been to the homestead.
Last Christmas, Tim was on the road, but Gavin and I braved the snowstorm.
Was kinda scary, but we made it there and back.
 I miss the farm.
I miss the dinner every Sunday.
Not that everyone made it every week.
But several did.
Now I feel we've all lost touch a bit.
Soooo, who is getting married next? Six sons. Only three married so far....
We need more get togethers!
We need them more often.
Maybe I should buy a farm house??
(But then I'd have to cook...I'll keep thinking)
 Thanks for the pictures, Gavin!
 I can always count on you :)
 Thanks for jumping in there and capturing the gift opening, Daddy!
This kid loves play-doh!
Great gift, Grandma and Grandpa Deal!
Hopefully, I, will be able to see you all soon!

Wish I had more to tell about the day....but I wasn't there :(
But I'm certain it was wonderful!

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