Monday, December 5, 2011

Good Morning, St Nicholas

After talking about St. Nick, being good, and leaving a shoe out tonight, Gavin decided his puddle jumpers on the stairs would do him the best. He swears up and down that he has been good and that he will wake up to find Monster Trucks.

I had to explain again that this isn't Santa, and they would be small gifts, in his shoes.
Or maybe just a wee bit more....
 I had the best of intentions to be up before Gavin this morning. I wanted to get a snapshot of him discovering that St. Nick had made a stop here. Instead I woke up to, "Mommy!! Come down here! There's presents!!!"
 How could I sleep through the excitement and wonderment?!
 Oh yes....because I'm not 3. And I like sleep.
But I'm pretty bummed I missed this initial discovery expression.
 "Mommy!! He brought Monster trucks!"
 Someone must think you're being a good boy lately...
 Let's keep it up, big man!
St. Nick left this good kid TWO monster trucks, a Santa pez, new jammies and some cookie cutters.
(that most likely will never see the likes of cookie dough)
But pancakes...Oh yes.
 I did get to witness his face when he discovered Firehose this morning! I, OH SO WISH, I would have had my camera glued in front of my face to capture that look!
It. Was. Awesome!

And so is Firehouse. For making breakfast :)
Happy St. Nicholas Day!


  1. You have a new follower:) Gavin is such a cutie!!!

  2. I really love Firehose! And Gavin looks just like Tim in the second picture down!
