Friday, March 16, 2012

I love you day

It's a real day.
 Gavin told me so.
 He explained it when he carried a sticker over and placed it right in the middle of my t-shirt. He said, " This sticker is for you, Mommy. It's because it's I love you, day!" How sweet is this little boy of mine. Some days I simply cannot stand it.

It may have been a sticker off a banana that he wanted as a snack before dinner. But it was the thought, right?

So after dinner, I decided to indulge in a little token for him for "I love you day."
We baked up some delicious Lightning McQueen cookies.

Cookies at 7:30 PM on a school night? 
Yah....I'd say I love this little boy, alright.

8 minutes later...
 One for each hand because earlier he completely made my day :)

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