Sunday, March 4, 2012

Oh, Gavin

Tonight we were playing airplanes.
This game consists of me getting the old red airplane that I picked up at a garage sale, and Gavin getting the super cool Imaginext Wind Scorpion airplane that he received at Christmas from Aunt Jan and Uncle Mike. That is fully equipped with a driver, two missiles that shoot, and a claw grabber in the front.

I need not tell you who won every single battle, do I?

The game then turned into flying around the living room, over and under tables, and finally to a hiding place under the trampoline.

While hiding, I asked the obvious...."What are we hiding from?"

"Monsters!!" Duh

And from the kitchen at that very moment, Chance gave a low quick growl.

I'm thinking perfect timing, good boy.

Gavin didn't have the same reaction.

He exclaims, "Mommy!! You tooted!"

I wasn't sure to laugh at this or be embarrassed that he thinks Mommy tooting sounds like a dog growl.

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