Monday, March 5, 2012

The Letter L

L is for Lion
(which March certainly came in as this year)
 Tonight, Gavin did lots of cutting. He didn't have enough energy to do the glue.

"I don't have any energy for this. Could you get me some chocolate milk? Chocolate milk will bring back my energy."

So I did the glue dots.

Sorry kid. That backfired on you.

He put his cut up pieces on for the mane.
 And afterwards we had dinner. With a glass of chocolate milk.


  1. So cute! I can't wait to use all your ideas when Kenna is old enough ;) hehe

  2. Cute, cute, cute! We are definitely behind on our ABC book! Audrey just finished up E. We always forget about these!

    1. Considering we started two months ago and are only on L, we aren't cruising along with it either. But it's fun. We will get to the end eventually. Then might do lowercase letters :)
