Sunday, July 1, 2012

Just another evening bike ride

We try and go around the block every night now that the weather is amazing!

Last week was even more special when our neighbor found a bike on Craigslist and even went so far as to pick it up for us!! Thank you, Mikey!!

Not that his old bike was bad. He's just gotten bigger :)
And more particular about what he wants to wear while riding his bike.
He's getting so BIG!
 Our bike rides typically have many stops. 
Stops to smell flowers, collect leaves, pine cones, sticks, and even rocks.
(I also have recently learned to check every single pocket before doing laundry.)
 Sometimes, a stop is necessary to point out worms.

I dared him to touch it!
If you raise your shoulders up and down, it makes you go faster.
It gives yo peddling power.
I know this because Gavin told me so.
Going to be awhile before those training wheels come off, you little leaner ;)
 Who by the way.....usually wears a helmet.

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