Friday, June 24, 2011

From tears to hysterics

Yesterday morning started pretty somber as we backed out of the driveway. Sitting behind me was a little boy with a pushed out lip and tears streaming down his face. He was also waving goodbye to Daddy, who was smiling his best, and chasing us down the driveway acting like the goofy Daddy he is, before heading back on the road. (We now know it's MUCH easier for him to leave in the middle of the night then in the morning.) I'm not sure who the morning was hardest on, but I would put my money on Daddy. Gavin was doing pretty good by the time we reached daycare.

Fast forward to after work.

I came home to let the dogs out and discovered that a little play-set had arrived. I found it on Ebay for a few bucks and was going to use it as part of my potty training incentive. (I'll write about that later.) The set isn't very exciting at all. It consists of two plastic slides. It works like this:
 Rescue Squad Mater sits atop one slide and a burning Lightning McQueen rests atop the other. There is a red square with some flames surrounding McQueen. At the bottom of McQueen's slide is an ambulance that has working back doors. This isn't rocket science, not even for a toddler. When you tip Rescue Squad Mater from his resting position, he slides down, triggering a button that releases the burning McQueen, who then slides down and ends up inside the back of the ambulance. Wow. I actually paid for this. But you know who loves Cars? Gavin. And you know who is really sad today? Gavin. So maybe Daddy might have left it for him?? If Daddy had thought of it, I bet he would have.

Needless to say, when I picked G up and told him Daddy had left him a present, he bee-lined for the car. He's never gotten himself up into his car-seat so quickly.  If it wouldn't spoil him rotten, make him a tyrannical child and send me bankrupt, I would do this everyday. It's "easier." But those are three things I most certainly want to avoid. Back to story...We get home and he darts around looking for his "present." Dog gone it, that Daddy, he didn't wrap it. When you're looking for ribbons and wrappings, you overlook little slides on the table. But when he spotted them, they entertained Gavin for almost an hour straight. Yep, shooting Rescue Squad Mater down a ramp over and over and over again was extremely exciting. Thanks, Daddy!!

Fast forward after dinner and time for jammies.

Gavin is throwing an absolute fit about having to put his new toy away. I cave. 

Me: "Fine, pick one car to hold it while we get changed."

Gavin: "Ummmmm, this one." (he selects the ambulance with Lightning inside)

Gavin: "Look, Mommy. I have two cars."

Me: "Ya, I picked up on that, ya stinker." (Gavin 1, Mommy 0)

As Gavin giggles, he begins to shake the ambulance like a maniac. This makes quite the noise as the ambulance is cheap plastic and Lightning (who, by the way, was NOT included with the play-set) is die-cast. (that I had from the potty training incentive basket)

Rather than screaming to stop the shaking, I say "Shake, Shake, Shake!" in a sing -song voice.

Gavin returns with "Shake your body, Mommy!"

What?! I can't help but burst out laughing. Say whaaaaat, I'm thinking!!

Me: "What was that, Bubba?"

He stands up to step into his pajama bottoms and begins wiggling his tail-feather.

Gavin: "Shake your body, Mommy!"

Where the heck does he get this stuff?! And what are they listening to at school? :)

Point of this post: Absolutely nothing.

Just another window into my world.

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