Friday, June 17, 2011

Parking lot safety

Upon arriving at daycare

Gavin: "Hand, Mommy, hand. We're in parking lot."

Me: "That's right, Gavin. Thank you. What do we do when we are in the parking lot?"

Gavin: "Look for cars." {as he looks both ways}

We need to cross the driveway to get inside daycare.

Me: "Now look the other way again."

{he looks}

Me: "Ready, let's cross."

We take two steps and then Gavin stops cold and exclaims: "Car, Mommy!!"

There is a car about to back out at least fifty feet away. The reverse lights have just come on.

Me: "It's okay, Gavin, we can cross."

Gavin: "Nooooo, car coming."

{We take two steps back}

The lady pulls out and waves us across. 

Me: "OK, Gavin, she is waving to us to cross. She is waiting for us."

Gavin: {pulling down on my hand hard} "No, Mommy, car coming."

You try explaining to a toddler that a wave means it's OK to cross. I'd rather he be insistent on waiting.

I smiled and waved the driver to pass.

We waited until the coast was clear and then went inside.

Good parking lot safety, Gavin.

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