Thursday, June 16, 2011

My new purse!

Thirty-One bags have been the new craze in the area this past year. My mom, who is always on top of the latest trends, got me the fabulous City Skirt Bag for Christmas. It's great because you can change the "skirts" rather than the contents of your purse for a new look. There is also a smaller skirt purse, but the big one is the one for me. I'm not a big fan of changing the contents of my purse. I always leave behind something that I really wish I hadn't later. Usually the simplest say, tissues, chap-stick, playdoh, gummy dinosaurs, travel spray Neosporin. You know...the things that everyone should have in their purse.You might be surprised at the contents of my purse. (That should be a random blog occasionally, "What's in Megan's purse this week")

I was looking forward to new "skirts"coming out each season. But wouldn't you know it, they discontinued the bag the month after Christmas. Seriously.

I was pretty bummed. Until I discovered that there are some pretty amazing ladies on Ebay that can sew! Now, I'm pretty happy about the discontinuation because I can find some original "homemade skirts" that no one else has!!

I found this one in my mailbox the other day. I LOVE it!

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