Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Did tonight REALLY just happen?

I mean, I don't remember a full moon, or seeing anything suspicious going on around me at work, but after work....things went waaaaaay to "unnatural."

I got home and called the dentist office. They could get me in TOMORROW. WHAT?! No wait? Although I did pick a date next week to figure some scheduling changes.
Gavin had excellent day at school. 10 of 13, did not I hear.
For the first time in months, he didn't want to scramble the playroom on the way out. Instead, he sprinted to the car to get home, and get this...take a bath! (with his new bath toy)
He played in the bath for a full hour.

After bath, he fought with me because I wanted to feed him the leftover mini pizzas from the other night. He wanted green beans. Tonight, I MADE Gavin eat pizza against his will. I also made him green beans.

The bath must have worn him out, because after eating dinner and watching an episode of pirates, he announced he was tired and wanted to get in his bed.


Tonight needs remembered.

It's unlikely ever going to be repeated.

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