Friday, February 3, 2012

Trying not to lose our marbles

Quite literally.

Tonight was hard. I've had a temperature for two days and feel less than human. I pushed through knowing that if I could just get to Friday evening, Daddy would be home and I could crash.
The stars had other plans. Daddy is not making it home, possibly at all this weekend and Grandma and Grandpa are out of town. So now, not only do I have to break my son's heart and explain to him that I lied was wrong and Daddy won't be here tonight, I get to step it up 5 notches and create fun for him to make up for it....while my brain feels like it's pounding out through my eyes and ears.

Obviously, I went for easy and thought about his favorite things.
Painting and cooking.

We painted with marbles.
A simple activity that would allow Gavin to have some fun, and me to merely sit and observe.

He globbed some paint onto a paper plate.

 Then dipped some marbles.

 Then shook away.

Easy clean up--paper plates in the trash and pan in the dishwasher.

A favorite food is hotdogs. I don't have the energy to concoct anything fancy.
I should mention that I blew a fuse in the kitchen this morning, so we don't have a microwave either.
I HAVE to COOK something.
A box of Jiffy mix, a little honey and a sliced up hotdog sounds cuisine, doesn't it?

Gavin gets to mix ingredients. I don't have to do anything but slice a hotdog.
And we both watch the timer tick down 18 minutes to dinner.

They may or may not have looked like this....
(I would have taken a picture, but my camera died)

Cartoons, books and cuddles on the couch ended this evening successfully.
With all of our marbles.

**Grandpa Buzz and Grandma Kathy made a stop over tonight and fixed my kitchen**
Thank You!!

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